I was sitting there in the auditorium - listening and digesting every single word uttered by the two speakers. It all made sense, I thought. And just seconds after that, thousands of other thoughts and ideas came running through my mind. I told myself, “This is it. I have to start writing. If I don’t start now, these thoughts will remain (unexpressed) thoughts. And most importantly, if I don't start now, I’ll never get to be better at writing.”
So here I am today, giving myself a chance to be better. Allah has granted me with so many chances to improve myself; one reminder after another, so who am I to be arrogant to ignore His signs? Who am I to think that only by sitting and wishing, I can be better? As human beings, we are always “looking” for signs. We are always asking Allah to “speak” to us and “show” us the way. But if we open our eyes and especially our heart, we’ll realize how Allah has always been speaking to us. The question is whether or not we are listening. And by listening here, I mean listening with our heart.
Allah says in the Quran:
"... we have indeed made clear Signs to any people who hold firmly to faith (in their hearts)" (2:118)
So today, I decided to write something as an introduction. But boy oh boy, arranging my thoughts and turning them into words, is not an easy task. I wonder what those writers and authors went through when they were writing, just so people like us can read and appreciate the philosophies and ideas they were trying to put forward - the blood, sweat and tears they must have shed just to produce that one masterpiece. I have no other prayers but for Allah to reward them immensely for their efforts in making a difference in the Ummah.
In my case, I’ve never been good with words. I had always enjoyed numbers (I spent a lot of times in school doing Maths & Physics exercises) that my writings were neglected. But just like everything else in this world, it can be improved. Please pray for me.
Before I end this, I would like to just say that I don’t know if I would be writing as much as my other 2 sisters do - therefore, I prefer to call myself a guest author of this blog.
Boleh kan Asma’? ;)
I pray for Allah to keep me sincere in my writing and that the more I write, the more closer my readers and I are to Him.
P/s: The two speakers I was referring to above were Wardina Safiyyah & Dr. Harlina.
Syahirah, knowing u..
im pretty confident u'll do fine
i always have high belief in a writer who read alot.
It will be easier in time and before u know it, u'll eager to write another post after this one
will wait for the moment when you will/can post more than one entry in a day ;)
tahniah. a very goood start.
yup. kalau kita tak mula sekarang bila lagi. its never too late.
kalau idea tu tak ditulis ia akan hilang mcm tu je. tapi bila ditulis dan bermanfaat pada orang lain walaupun sekecil2 perkara kita akan dapat pahala.
Syahirah, we pray that someday you will be a renowned writer, yg mengangkat Islam dlm setiap tulisannya :) who knows insyallah ur writings in the days or years to come will be best-sellers yg lbh digilai drpd Harry Potter series, & dgn gabungan nilai intelek+spiritual yg unik, they would surpass those of Readers' Digests'! write, to make this ummah better insyallah^__^ may the limitless reward and enjoyment be yours. ameen -fm
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