Thursday, September 24

salam aidilfitri

salam aidilfitri
maaf zahir dan batin
moga amal sepanjang ramadhan diterima Allah dan dapat
diteruskan pada hari mendatang

ya Allah temukan aku lagi dengan ramadhan.

Wednesday, September 16

Assyaheed Bro Obaida Al-Qudsi

bismillahi Allahuakbar
just copy paste from roqers mail..


salam brothers and sisters,

i just want to share a story about a Palestinian brother, my friend who just graduated from IIUM, asy-syahid Obaidah Alqudsi. It's nice if JIM @ PACE @ KARISMA can arrange a press statement on this issue

Obaidah Alqudsi, a Palestinain artist, known among his friends for his beautiful voice and lovely character. 2 days ago, Obaidah passed away in an Israeli hospital, after being held as an injured prisoner. On 26th August, Obaidah was heading to the Abraham Mosque in the Old City of Hebron. While walking to the mosque, Israeli soldiers shot him 4 explosive bullets; two in the abdomen and two in his legs.

Obaidah, the peaceful soul was murdered in the street with cold blood. Ambulance vehicles were banned from attending to his bleeding body for 30 minutes. Seeing him bleeding didn’t satisfy their evil lust for blood, hence, they beat his body mecilessly. After a while, he was arrested and sent to an Israeli hospital in occupied Jerusalem. Ever since Obaidah was under their custody, he was in a comma. Obaidah spent about 3 weeks in the Israeli hospital; and his family was not allowed to visit him till the last day of his life!

On the morning of the 13th of September, Obaidah’s soul departed to its creator seeking his ultimate justice. Hasbunallahu wa ne’mal wakeel.

Obaidah will always be remembered among his family and friends for his sweet voice and lovely smile. His poetry and Nasheed will always be celebrated by Palestinians, Muslims and all free people of the world as true words of wisdom and honor.

Synopsis about the martyr:

Obaidah Maher Abdul Mu’ti Alqudsi Dwaik.

Born in 1984 in Hebron city-Palestine for a respected family, his father is a well known ustaz and businessman.

Obaidah started his education as early as 5 years in the kindergarten of the Islamic Youth Society. He later joined the Al-Shar’iyah School of the Islamic Charitable Organization. He completed his school education in 2002 with an excellent score of 84 %.

He later joined the International Islamic University Malaysia where he earned a bachelor degree in Communications and Journalism.

During his presence at the International Islamic University Malaysia, Obaidah was one of the active students in cocurricular activities and was always a forerunner in working for any Ummatic issue. Obaidah was elected into the main board of Al-Aqsa friends’ Society in 2003 to serve for one year as one of its most active members. And from the year 2004 till 2007 he led the famous Al-Aqsa Nasheed Group in IIUM.

In 2008 he returned to his hometown in Palestine to live with his family and run his father’s business. He got engaged few months later and arranged for his wedding to be held right after eid alfitri. Unfortunately, the crinminal Zionist soldiers didn’t let his family celebrate this eid happily nor let Obaidah’s fiancée enjoy her future with him!

Subhanaallah..terbang satu lagi ruh mulia ke sisi kekasihnya..
beruntunglah mereka yang dikurniakan syahid..
aku di sini masih meraba-raba mengenal bumi
mereka dah terbang ke langit tinggi
bertemu cinta hakiki.. aku?

ayuh pasak mimpi tinggi-tinggi
biar kaki tak sampai..
hati dah dilayangkan
mungkin tangan tak tergapai
tapi usaha tawakal dan doa dah dipanjatkan

teringat lirik puitis dari wali band..
"andai diriku bisa
seperti yang lain
yang kau sayang
yang kau rindu
yang kau cintai...."

Tuesday, September 15

siri 1.5 : tadabbur alam

what is bubble ring~
from wikipedia: A bubble ring is an underwater ring vortex where an air bubble occupies the core of the vortex, forming a ring shape. The ring of air as well as the nearby water spins toroidally as it travels through the water, much like a flexible bracelet might spin when it is rolled off a person's arm. Some scuba divers can create bubble rings by blowing air out of their mouth in a particular manner. Long bubble rings also can form spontaneously in turbulent water such as in heavy surf. Bubble rings and smoke rings are both forms of vortex rings, and are sometimes studied in the field of fluid dynamics. Dolphins and humpbackwhales have also been seen to create bubble rings. Dolphins sometimes create bubble rings on purpose, seemingly for amusement.

Sunday, September 13

siri 1: tadabbur alam

Although they live in the water -- whales, dolphins and porpoises

are mammals.

Since whales and dolphins are mammals, they cannot breathe under

water. They must come to the surface to breathe air. They breathe

through a blowhole, or nostrils, on the top of their head. Babies are

born under water and must be pushed to the surface, by the mother,

so that they can take a breath.

Whales and dolphins also look different from many other mammals

because they don't have fur. Although, they do have a sparse

covering of hair.


The circulatory and respiratory systems have adapted to living in water. Whales and dolphins can dive deep in the water on a single breath.

Whales and dolphins also have a highly developed brain. They are consider to be very intelligent.

Dolphins, and some whales, can use echolocation to find food and identify objects around them. They make loud clicking and squeaking sounds that bounce off objects and echo back to the dolphin. This echo tells the dolphin about the nearby object.



teringat cerita 'free willy'.. pnah tengok?

cinta dari Rabb

web quran..
sngt flexible..dan pilihan saya misyari..
diam..tutup mata dan hayati bacaan beliau..
pilihan anda?
cube sendiri..

"qilla wa dalla"

wallahu a'lam..allahu akram

Monday, September 7

Jom: jadi promoter!!


Bebrapa hari lalu, terlibat dalam penganjuran satu program. Alhamdulillah, walau mungkin nampak sedikit kekurangan di sana sini namun sangat berpuas hati terhadap kesungguhan dan katabahan yang di tunjukkan ahli jawantankuasa lain.. mungkin masaalah timbul dari sudut promosi..

Anda pernah berniaga? Petang ahad selepas tamat program bergerak pula ke Nilai. Menyertai prog ROQ anjuran adik-adik Nilai. Sempat juga menolong seorang kakak yang mebuka gerai menjual baju, barang-barang palestin dan coklat! Aku penah rase coklat ni mahal sikit tapi memang superb sedap. So, oleh kerana memang suka coklat ni saje dipromosikan pada yang datang.. mengayat power kan mereka ini..

“ok cepat nina (bukan nama sebenar) beli coklat ni sedap”

“waa..nampak cam sedap, tp mahal la..berape 15 eh? Dahla tak bawak duit nih”

“sedap..betull..akk da penah makan. Baru je minggu lepas. Seriyes sedap.. home made nih.. kan biasa kite makan coklat Malaysia (maaf rakyat Malaysia) macam terlebih minyak pastu tak berapa sedap kan..tapi yang ni series sedap. Mcm cadburry tapi Cadbury Malaysia..”

“ ke”

“betul…pastu ni ha macam-macam jenis.. yang white coklat ada yang coklat betul pun ade..”

“yang ni kak…??” …mule minat dah budak nih

“yang ni dalam dia risin, yang tu kurma…yang lagi satu tu almond dan kurma..yang akk makan aritu yang risin dalam die..sedap..perh tak tau nak describe sedap tu cane dah”

“allaaa…akak jgn cakap camtu kite puasa”

“hehe ok2…so beli lah betul akak cakap tak rugi…”

“betul ke kak?”

“betul..aih..mcm tak kenal akk pulak..sedap betul”

*perbualan yang telah di edit*

Dan hari tersebut berjaya mempengaruhi 4 orang dan mereka membeli coklat tersebut yang memang tak tipu sedap..hehe

Kan seronok bila promosi kita Berjaya. Dan lebih puas bila promosi itu untuk ajak orang pada program islam atau direct pada islam yang indah itu sendiri.

Cube bayangkan..tiba-tiba sms tak kenal mengetuk pintu handphone anda

“salam..anda dijemput untuk menghadiri program SPOT. Bermula jumaat

2 ogos (2-5petang) bertempat di FKP. Hadiah istimewa untuk 30 yang pertama

..ayuh sertai kami!!”

Bayangkan pula..

Seorang kawan sekelas anda mengajak anda,

“eh tak jumaat ni. Jom ade pogem best!!”

“ye eh? Ko pny pgm best mesti ceramah2”

“ye ke..ceramah eh pogem aku? Tapi kali ni bukan ah..klu ade ceramah pun best..aku jamin ko..”

“bleh caye ke ko?..pgm ape?”

“ko tak caye kat aku..meh..denga sini…blabla…haa siap ade hadiah free”

“hadiah memang ah free..”

“ko nak datang tak..ko datang ah..”

“ok la..ko punye pasal aku dtang”

“cayalah my friend!”

“pogem tak best siap anti”..

“heheh ana jamin anti..jangan risau”

Beza kan ajak sms ngan ajak personally.. jom ubah style promo..

Menjadi daei memerlukan skill..some have installed skill and some others have to acquire that skill..skill ape? Skill meng’convince orang. Pengaruhi orang dan yakinkan mereka. Ape yang ingin dibawa bukanlah yang sia-sia tapi yang insyaAllah baik dan bermanfaat dengan harapan mendekatkan lagi mangsa-mangsa pada islam yang sebenar.. malu, segan, tak reti, semuatu alasan.. kalau kamu yakin dengan apa yang kamu bawa dan kamu benar-benar nak kongsi manisnya islam insyaAllah cabaran td dapat kamu atasi.. bermula dengan senyuman… cubalah.. moga berhasil..!!!

“Spread the words”